Recently, DJI has announced its latest drone the Phantom 4. Compared with its predecessor DJI Phantom 3, it has a giant leap in various aspects. After recording some stunning 4K footage by DJI Phantom 4, chances are you want to edit these 4K videos in Premiere Pro so as to make them more stylish, before uploading to YouTube or posting on Facebook. However, here comes the problem, the recorded MOV/MP4 files are compressed using the h.264 codec, which is final delivery codec and it is not one you want to use for editing. On this circumstance, if you are stick to editing Phantom 4K MP4/MOV videos in Premiere Pro, you'd better convert them to a more editing-friendly format for Premiere Pro like MOV/MPEG-2. Therefore, you are recommended to transcode DJI Phantom 4K to a more compatible and less hardware extensive format. Here, you can achieve that with Dimo Video Converter Ultimate for Mac , which helps to directly encode DJI Phantom 3/4 4K H.264 to A...
You may download video files in MKV format. MKV is becoming the mainstreaming format the torrent video sites using for its flexible and advanced encoding method to store a large number of video/audio data in relative smaller file size. But MKV is not a friendly format to Premiere Elements (15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10). It's a pity MKV is not supported by Premiere Elements . But that doesn't mean there is no way to bring MKV videos to Premiere Elements for editing. To solve the issue, you could adjust convert MKV to Premiere Elements compatible formats. To finish the task, you can adopt Dimo Video Converter Ultimate for Mac for help. This program can help help you change MKV into a different format (e.g. MOV, VOB , WMV, MPG, MP4 ) with least quality loss. You should then be able to import the new file into Premiere Elements 10/11/12/13/14/15 with smooth editing without any trouble. If you are Windows users, please turn to...